Thursday, June 5, 2014

Diamond Jubilee Year of Spectroscopy in BHU

75 Glorious Years of Spectroscopy at Banaras Hindu University
                          S. N. Thakur, Ex-Professor of Experimental Spectroscopy, BHU

1. Introduction

The foundation stone of Banaras Hindu University was laid down on the auspicious day of Vasant Panchami, 1916 and the Department of Physics was established on the same historic occasion. The tradition of research in the field of Spectroscopy was initiateded by Professor R K Asundi in 1939. This achievement was a crucial milestone in the evolution of BHU as Sarva Vidya Ki Rajdhani.  It is a very pleasant coincidence that the diamond jubilee of reaching this milestone falls in 2014, two years before the centenary year of the university itself which is to be celebrated in 2016. It is also noteworthy that in October 2012, the UNESCO Executive Board at the organization’s Headquarters in Paris adopted a resolution proclaiming 2015 as the International Year of Light and Light-based Technologies. Life without light is simply beyond imagination. The role of light in human history, education, science & technology, sustainability and development of culture has been profound. Even in ancient Indian scriptures dating back to BCE, the importance of light in human development is highlighted. The Brihadaranyak  Upanishad metaphorise knowledge as light  in the shloka - ... Tamaso Ma Jyotirgamaya ....  - [Oh Almighty,] ... lead us from darkness to light ... .While persuading the Kashi Naresh to donate some land on the bank of river Ganga for the University, the Banaras Hindu University founder Mahamana Pt Madan Mohan Malviya is said to have convinced the reluctant Maharaja saying:  “Your Excellency! Imagine thousands of students of the University worshipping the rising Sun on the western bank of the holy river which you would be pleased to watch from the Ramnagar Fort.”
                                               Pt. Madan Mohan Malaviyaji (1861- 1946)
The science of spectroscopy was conceptualised by  Sir Isaac Newton in 1666 with the formation of spectrum by passing the sunlight through a glass prism as illustrated in Fig.1. Very significant contributions in this important field have been made by Indian scientists and some of them - e.g. Raman Effect, Saha’s thermal- ionization and Joshi effect- have played crucial role in the development of science and technology of light.


Fig.1. In a darkened room, Newton made a slit in his window shutter to admit a ray of light. Seeing the array of colors cast by a prism, he carefully analyzed the distinct reflections and refractions of colors that led to the science of Spectroscopy in 1666.

Spectroscopy laboratory reflects how the university has contributed in the making of a modern, erudite India as well as in its own growth into one of the nation's best educational institutions, just as Pt Madan Mohan Malaviya had envisaged. According to one of the popular anecdotes related to Malaviyaji’s dream of establishing a university in Varanasi, Sir Sunderlal, a prominent lawyer in Allahabad in late 1880s, advised him to first start up a school and then endeavour to upgrade it into an university. Malaviyaji is reported to have told the learned jurist with utmost respect that he would build an university only and be back to him offering the post of its first Vice-Chancellor. This relationship has been monumentalised in the form of Sir Sunderlal Hospital in the university which was built in the honour of its first Vice-chancellor.  The story was repeated in a different manner in the establishment of spectroscopy research in the Physics department in 1939 when Professor S S Joshi, the then principal of Science College and one of its brightest alumni, tried to create an atmosphere of research that the college lacked for almost 25 years of its existence. The university appointed Dr Asundi in the vacancy created by the retirement of Professor P K Dutta in 1938. This was against the will of the then Head of Physics and he continued to put hurdles like providing inadequate infrastructure for the spectroscopy lab - only two spare rooms with one table and a rotating wooden chair and a discarded physical balance [1].  The laboratory started with an improvised Constant Deviation Glass spectrometer and a commercial Hilger Medium Quartz Spectrograph with the Bunsen burner flames as the sources of light to investigate the spectra of atoms and molecules. This tradition of improvising instruments and acquiring the state-of –art commercial equipments through research grants continued till late 1980s when importing costly Lasers and Spectrometers was extremely difficult. Brilliant students from spectroscopy joined several major universities and laboratories across the country  and  added further excellence in the teaching and research.
Professor Jagdeo Singh and Professor Devi Dutt Pant were from the first batch of spectroscopy at BHU. Professor Singh went to Imperial College, London for his doctorate degree in Geophysics and played a major role in introducing Geophysics as a separate discipline in BHU. He later joined the Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad and went on to establish the Geophysics in the Department of Physics in 1950s. Professor Pant was the first to initiate investigations in Time-resolved spectroscopy at Nainital in 1950s and created a famous center of Ultra-fast spectroscopy at the Kumaun University. Later Professor P Venkateswarlu carried the tradition of spectroscopy to IIT Kanpur and established one of the first major centers of Laser-spectroscopy while Professor M R Padhye carried out excellent work in Molecular spectroscopy at Chemical Technology in Bombay University. Professor Trilochan Pradhan developed research groups in Orissa and retired as the Director of Institute of Physics, Bhubaneshwar.  Dr S N Garg was involved in the application of spectroscopy in Forensic science and went on to become the Director of Central Forensic Laboratory at Hyderabad, while Dr N A Narasimham went on to become Head of the Spectroscopy Division at the Bhabha Atomic Research Center. While Professor B. Bhattacharya created excellent teaching and research facilities in the Physics Department of Jadavpur University, his younger brother Professor B N Bhattacharya started Microwave Spectroscopy at IIT Bombay and was one of its most creative Head of the Physics Department. Thus an excellent network of spectroscopy research was created by the first generation of students in this field from BHU who knew the lack of equipment in their alma mater and extended all possible help with great affection to the later generations of research students, from 1960 till late 1970s, to work in their well furnished laboratories. This institutional networking led to rapid developments in spectroscopy at BHU in a manner which can be compared in recent times by spread of knowledge across the world through the Internet. Some of the man made hurdles led to the creation of a Spectroscopy Department by its separation from the Physics Department in 1953 and the recognition of holistic development of physics led to its merger again with the latter by early 1970s. It is relevant to emphasize that the flow of research was never hampered during its brief separate identity; in fact the tempo of growth was more vigorous. Dr Lalji Lal, a first generation spectroscopist from BHU joined the Udai Pratap College in Varanasi in early 1940s and established an excellent laboratory for the undergraduate students some of whom come to BHU for higher studies and a cordial environment for the exchange of knowledge has continued till date. Even after the upgradation as an autonomous college and creation of facilities for research at this famous institution the person to person cooperation has been very helpful to a wider population of students specializing in spectroscopy. The spirit of improvisation and cooperation, to acquire knowledge through research, that was started more than seven decades ago in the spectroscopy laboratory of BHU, still continues. This is a very pleasant and satisfying experience for me to realize that the traditions decay very slowly. In the following sections I would try to present a historical perspective of Spectroscopy and Lasers, as I have come to know from my long association with this center of knowledge, with mentions of its contributions in the field of human resource  development as well as in science and technology.   
2. Low Resolution Emission Spectroscopy of Flames and Electric Discharges (1939-60)

The first phase of spectroscopic investigations were directed by Professor R K Asundi from 1939 till his retirement in 1956. Professor Asundi was actively supported by Dr N L Singh who had spent more than 6 years, before arrival of the former in BHU, in acquiring skills of experimental and theoretical research under the guidance of Professor C M Sogani and Professor V V Narlikar at BHU and under Professor K S Krishnan at Calcutta. Emission Spectra of diatomic molecules BO, CuCl, CuBr, and CuI were recorded on the medium quartz spectrograph using excitation in flames from Bunsen burner suitably enhancing their intensity by oxy and oxy-acetylene flames whenever so required. Facilities at a local malleable casting workshop at Assi in Varanasi were used under the direction of Dr N L Singh to cast stands and components of electric arc sources as well as components for assembling prism and grating spectrographs. A number of discharge tubes and high frequency oscillators were designed and fabricated with the meager glass blowing and electronic workshop facilities of the physics department to investigate the spectra of gases and vapours. Gradually comparators were designed and fabricated using a travelling microscope for the measurements of spectral lines and projectors as well as viewers were assembled with appropriate lamps for visual inspection of the spectra recorded on photographic plates and films. Dr N L Singh guided Shri Rajnath to become an extremely competent glass blower who could make discharge tubes fitted with metallic electrodes that were leak proof under high degree of evacuation needed for excitation of molecules in the gas phase. Looking back from the existing facilities in the Laser and Spectroscopy Laboratory it is beyond our wildest imagination to comprehend the amount of patience and toil by the teachers, the students and the supporting staff that went into the making of this world renowned laboratory. This was in addition to the class room teaching of the intricacies of atomic and molecular structure. In the words of Professor N L Singh, “While learning more and more of the subject, I would direct the students in performing experiments and would teach them theory as well with Prof. Asundi sitting by their side. It used to be an unique class. Thus I came to be addressed as ‘Master Saheb’ and Prof. Asundi as ‘Doctor Saheb’. This sweet epithet has clung to me lifelong” [1].                                                         
Professor R. K. Asundi (1895- 1982)    

                                                       Professor N. L. Singh (1909- 1996)

More and more hard working and bright students joined spectroscopy because of the very special mode of student-teacher interaction in this group and by mid 1940s their number became so large that two-room space was not enough to accommodate all the research scholars. Prof. Asundi wrote to the university authorities for more space for his group in the physics department but there was no immediate solution to this important requirement. By the late 1940s, however, the Intermediate Science classes were shifted to Central Hindu College at Kamachha and the then Vice-chancellor Pt. Govind Malviya, impressed by the research atmosphere of spectroscopy laboratory, permitted the vacant space to be occupied by Prof. Asundi and his group and to make use of the furniture that were left behind. The students of spectroscopy laboratory by this time included some of the very bright ones like Jagdeo Singh, D D Pant, D P Misra, Lalji Lal, P Venkateswarlu, R M Singh, M R Padhye, K S Adiga and N A Narasimham, who brought much glory in the later years as mentioned in the introductory section of this article. These young and bright research scholars gladly offered their services for the hard manual work that was required to create suitable spaces, by rearranging the big wooden almirahs and long heavy tables in the large halls, to form laboratory, lecture room and sitting places for them as well as for the teachers. As a result of unique cooperation between bright research students and teachers, researches carried out in spectroscopy were of such high quality that research grants were generously sanctioned by the university as well as by the government agencies. The head of the department, however, did not miss any occasion to hinder the rapid pace at which research activities were progressing in spectroscopy and this fact became a common knowledge at the highest level of university administration. Acharya Narendra Deo, as Vice-Chancellor, decided to put an end to this man made hindrance in the progress of research work and in 1953 the spectroscopy section was given the status of a full fledged Department separate from the Department of Physics and Prof. Asundi was made the Head of the Department. Laboratories of the Department of Spectroscopy were kept open practically 24 hours and research scholars worked very hard under the inspiring guidance of Prof. Asundi and Dr Singh.

2.1 Spectroscopy of Diatomic and Polyatomic Molecules
Prof. Asundi, prior to his joining the Banaras Hindu University, had made significant contributions to the study of diatomic molecular spectroscopy and it was, therefore, natural to record emission spectra of diatomic species and elucidate their structure and dynamics. The molecules investigated during the early days included Hg2, HgI, CuI and I2. Emission spectra of iodine vapor recorded by Venkateswarlu [2] revealed a new band system in the region 2785 to 2750A in addition to a large number of new bands in the 3455 - 3015A system, 2730 - 2520A system and in the 4420-4000A system reported by earlier workers. The absorption bands data in the region 2000 -3500A were discussed in the light of the information from the emission spectra. Prof Venkateswarlu retained a lifelong interest in the electronic spectra of halogen molecules and the study of the resonance series in the halogen dimer with successively higher resolutions in later years has enabled very precise values for their dissociation energies.
            The electronic spectroscopy of polyatomic molecules gets more complicated due to the presence of many normal modes of vibrations (3N-6 and 3N-5 for nonlinear and linear polyatomic molecule respectively made of N atoms). Delicate experimental techniques were developed to record emission spectra of highly fragile aromatic hydrocarbons using Tesla coil discharge, transformer discharge with internal electrodes in the discharge tube and with high frequency (1.15 MHz) discharge with external electrodes. Padhye [3] made a systematic study of the 260 nm emission spectrum of benzene excited by a transformer discharge through flowing benzene vapour. The intensity distribution amongst different progressions was found to be substantially different from that in the fluorescence spectrum and it was accounted in terms of the excited state Boltzmann factor and the Franck-Condon principle. Fermi resonance between two vibrational levels 1596 cm-1 and (606+992) cm-1 was observed up to four members of the progression due to the ring breathing vibration (992 cm-1). These results provided valuable data on the vibration-vibration interactions for a polyatomic molecule.
            The 260 nm electronic transition in benzene is symmetry forbidden but vibronic bands are observed due to Herzberg-Teller intensity stealing process although the origin band (000) is not observed. A systematic study of the electronic transitions in mono- and di-substituted benzenes was carried out during 1950s [4-7] and the experimental information obtained from these investigations can be summarized as follows.
·  The relative intensities of the electronically allowed bands and the vibronically induced ones were obtained by changing the chemical nature of the substituent and their substitution sites on the carbon ring.
· The frequency shifts of the 000 bands in substituted benzenes from that of the estimated position  of 000 band of benzene were obtained.
·  The changes in vibrational frequencies of several normal modes, in going from the ground state to the excited electronic states, of substituted benzenes were obtained.

· The relative intensities of the background continuum in the emission spectra of methyl substituted benzenes were noted to be the most prominent                
These studies provided data on electronic interaction between the substituent replacing a hydrogen atom and electrons of the carbon ring of benzene and observed energies of excited electronic states were compared with those calculated from semi-empirical theories. Thus a valuable insight into the electronic structure of substituted benzene molecules could be obtained.
            During 1954-56 Prof. N L Singh visited North America and worked in the Spectroscopy Laboratories of Duke University, University of North Carolina, Massachusetts Institute of Technology in USA and the National Research Council of Canada. This visit not only brought him abreast of the latest trends in spectroscopic research, but he also brought back a large number of photographic plates, recorded by him under high resolution, to be analyzed and interpreted at BHU. Prof. Asundi retired from university service in 1956 and went to Bhabha Atomic Research Center to establish experimental facilities in the Spectroscopy Division for analysis of nuclear fuel and related materials. Prof. Singh was appointed as Head of Department of Spectroscopy in BHU and had the excellent company of Dr S N Garg, Dr I S Singh, Dr K N Upadhya, Mr C M Pathak as teaching staff and D K Ghosh, R N Singh, S P Singh, R J Singh, S K Tiwari, D K Rai, M G Jaiswal, R B Singh, S N Thakur, and many others, as research scholars, who worked enthusiastically with unique cooperation towards latest developments in the fields of Atomic and Molecular structure. A new one year course of Post Graduate Diploma in Spectroscopy was started to train manpower for the benefit of spectro-chemical analysis of samples in various laboratories of the university and also for the technical staff at the Diesel Locomotive Workshop in Varanasi and a similar unit in HINDALCO at Mirzapur. The 1 hour lecture and 2 hour laboratory classes were run in the evening for the convenience of the technical staff who worked in their respective labs during the daytime. This course not only became very popular among research students in the area of chemical, metallurgical, medical and biological  sciences but also a few scholars from the Department of Ancient History and Culture joined with the intention of knowing the chemical constitution of ancient objects. One can only appreciate the vision of Professor Singh who used his experience of visiting foreign laboratories to further the cause of, not only science education in the impoverished regions of our country but also, the technical and industrial development.
            On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Spectroscopy at BHU, we received a large number of messages from leading international scientists who had visited the spectroscopy laboratory and some pertinent comments are reproduced below [1]:
Nobel Laureate Dr Gerhard Herzberg, from Canada wrote, “I am glad to send my best wishes to the Spectroscopy Laboratory of the Banaras Hindu University on its fiftieth anniversary. Professor R K Asundi was a close friend who by his own original research and by that of his students contributed greatly to the development of science in India. I remember very well my visit to the Spectroscopy Laboratory in 1958 and came to admire the spectroscopic work that was done there under difficult circumstances.”
Dr Manfred Stockburger of Max-Planck Institute at Gottingen wrote, “First of all I am sending my best wishes for celebrating the 50th anniversary of foundation of the Spectroscopy Laboratory at Banaras Hindu University. Personally I became familiar with the work from this laboratory when in the period 1954 and 1962 I was a student and research fellow in Professor Schuler’s institute in Germany. I remember the beautiful emission spectra of organic molecules, in those days fixed on photographic plates, which were published by Professor Asundi’s and Professor Singh’s groups. Indeed we had common interest in studying by spectroscopic methods the photophysical behavior of molecules like benzaldehyde using a so-called Schuler discharge tube.”

3. High Resolution & IR Spectroscopy, Potential Functions, Quantum Chemistry (1960-75)

Professor N L Singh had carried out studies on two diatomic molecules OD and PO during his brief stay in the spectroscopy laboratories of USA and Canada. The spectrum of OD in the 300 nm region was recorded in the presence of a constant magnetic field so the rotational lines of the various branches showed a Zeeman splitting. The analysis of this spectrum was published much later [8]. The PO spectrum was recorded on the 10.6 m grating at NRC, Canada and a very large number of bands of the B-X system (the so called β system) were rotationally analyzed. While Professor Singh had published an analysis of a few bands involving small values of vibrational quantum numbers v’ and v” [9], his photographic plates, containing a very large number of bands, served as a valuable treasure house for the extensive studies on this system [10, 11].
            Prior to 1962 the laboratory had only a 6.6 m grating spectrograph in the Eagle mount with a 15 cm long grating of 600 grooves per millimeter having a dispersion of 1.2A/mm in the first order. This instrument facilitated the search for novel molecular species and newer electronic transitions. The studies involved the use of different types of excitation sources e.g. uncondensed and condensed transformer discharge, high current D.C. discharge and microwave discharge. The availability of a 10.6 m grating with 1200 grooves/mm required a herculean effort on the part of R B Singh and S K Tiwari to set up (see Fig. 2) the most sophisticated spectrograph in the laboratory in the Eagle mount [12].

 Fig.2  The light-proof darkened wooden housing for 10.6 m grating spectrograph with the slit and photo-plate assembly at the far end of 15 meter long room (left) and the concave grating on rails for its linear as well as angular adjustments (right)


         Fig.3 Rotational structure in the (0,0) band of B2Σ→X2Π3/2 transition in SbO molecule

Around 1960 a series of research papers, on the spectrum of SbO molecule, were published by several workers from Andhra University, Waltair (India) and from Japan. This molecule is isoelectronic with PO and its B-X system was expected to be analogous to the β system of PO. The analysis published by the Waltair group confirmed this but did not reveal the isotopic doubling arising from the two almost equally abundant Sb isotopes. This lacuna was removed in one of the first investigations of high resolution spectroscopy of SbO using the 10.6 m grating spectrograph [13]. It was later shown from the analysis of B2Σ→X2Π3/2 subsystem (Fig. 3), that the B2Σ state has an appreciable spin splitting[14].The AsO and AsO+ molecules being intermediate between PO and SbO were also explored but their toxic nature prevented extensive investigations on them [15-16].

            Copper halides molecules are fairly simple, analogous to alkali halides, but the presence of a closed 3d shell in copper atom with one electron energies comparable to that of the 4s orbital gives rise to a much richer energy level scheme in Cu-halides. It was found that an earlier rotational analysis of CuI published from BARC group in India was incorrect since the ground state rotational constants obtained from it failed to satisfy several empirical rules [17]. A detailed investigation of CuI spectra was carried out to analyze rotational structures in several electronic transitions [18- 20]. The spectra of both CuCl and CuBr were also investigated in detail and new electronic transitions were found at a much later time [21, 22].      
            Intensity measurements on the visible bands of several diatomic molecules were carried out and used in conjunction with the calculated Morse Franck-Condon factors to estimate the variation of the electronic transition moment with internuclear distance. These studies elucidated contributions from other close lying electronic states to the electronic system under investigation. RKRV potential curves were calculated using measured spectral features and a comparison of these curves with empirical expressions were utilized to estimate molecular dissociation energy [23]. These comparisons enable one to draw qualitative conclusions regarding the nature of the molecular bonding especially when ionic contributions are significant.  

3.1 Vibrational Spectroscopy of Polyatomic Molecules & Potential Functions
Dr. I.S. Singh returned from his post-doctoral researches in USA at the end of 1962 and the investigations of infrared spectra of molecules were started using a Perkin-Elmer 13U spectrophotometer. Assignments for the vibrational spectra of tetracyclic hydrocarbons and their alkyl substituted derivatives were carried out [24]. A large number of studies on the infrared spectra of benzene derivatives were carried out and some of the representative studies in this series consisted of work on o-, m-, p-dichloroanilines, o-bromotoluene and o-, m-, p-fluoro and bromo- benzaldehudes [25- 27]. These investigations greatly helped the analyses of electronic emission and absorption spectra of polyatomic molecules by providing data from their vibrational spectra to assign vibronic bands [28- 30]. Facilities were developed to grow single crystals of organic molecules using the technique of zone-refining and polarized Raman and IR spectra of single crystals of halogenated benzenes were investigated in detail [31-33].                                
            Around mid 1960s theoretical work on potential functions and normal coordinate analysis was started to determine valence force constants and mean square amplitudes in MXn type molecules using desk-top calculators [34, 35]. Model force-fields, using different approximations, were developed for these molecules and the general valence force constants were calculated from additional experimental data e.g. frequencies from isotopic molecules, Coriolis constants and centrifugal distortion constants. The force constants for molecules with strongly coupled vibrations [36] and that for SF6 [37] are two such examples.
            In the late 1960s, vibrational spectroscopic investigations were supplemented with complete normal coordinate analysis on digital computers of which the work on isobutene and isobutene-d8 is an example [38]. In addition to the work on substituted benzenes [39-41], some organometallics containing benzene ring were studied by Asthana and Pathak [42, 43]. A detailed study of the ground state potential surface of benzene was made using vapour phase vibrational data on 14 different isotopic species by Thakur et al. [44]. Excited electronic state force fields for styrene and phenyl-acetylene have also been calculated [45]. Potential surface studies based on the vibrational spectra of biomolecules- 2-thiocytosine and 8-azaguanine have also been carried out to understand some functional aspects of such molecules [46, 47]. Dr R A Yadav and coworkers have studied vibrational spectra and potential functions of a large group of molecules, including biomolecules [48-54]

3.2 Electronic Spectra of Polyatomic Molecules
The availability of 10.6 m grating spectrograph since 1963 made it feasible to investigate the electronic spectra of substituted benzene molecules under high resolution. The rotational contours of electronic bands in the absorption spectra could be recorded for parent as well as deuterated benzenes [55, 56]. The interpretation of the rotational contours, in symmetric rotor approximation, in a group of halogenated benzene molecules provided semi-quantitative estimates of change of molecular geometry in going from ground to the excited electronic state [57, 58]. The analysis of the rotational contours were later performed using computer simulations and these were of great value in distinguishing between peaks due to rotational transitions and those due to very small (≈ 1cm-1) sequence intervals [59]. These studies also led to data on the orientation of electronic transition moments in (ππ*)S1←S0 transitions of substituted benzene molecules which in turn provide testing ground for quantum mechanical calculations of these parameters.
Electronic spectra of a number of aromatic molecules (benzaldehyde, benzoquinone and their derivatives) characterized by one or more loosely bound electrons occupying non-bonding molecular orbitals were extensively studied in the UV and visible regions. Two systems of electronic bands observed in the vapour phase absorption and emission spectra of these molecules were interpreted in terms of a shorter wavelength Ï€*←Ï€ electronic transition and the longer wavelength Ï€*←n electronic transition [60- 62]. The accidental coincidence of ground electronic state C-O stretch frequency in benzaldehyde with the energy separation between the triplet and singlet electronic states, due to Ï€*←n electron promotion, had led to incorrect  assignments of the extensive emission bands in benzaldehyde as well as in its halogenated derivatives [63, 28]. The pioneering work of Stockburger on benzaldehyde at Schuler’s institute in Germany led to the correct interpretation of the emission spectrum in terms of a (nÏ€*)S1←S0 and a (nÏ€*)T1←S0 transitions. Subsequently the vapour phase emission spectra of benzaldehyde and its halogenated derivatives were studied under high resolution to reveal the two different types of rotational contours for the bands belonging to the S1←S0 and T1←S0 transitions [64-66]. These investigations provided valuable information on the change of molecular geometry in going from the ground to excited electronic states in halogenated benzaldehydes. The vapour phase emission bands of the (nÏ€*)T1→S0 transition in p-benzoquinone-h4 and –d4 were recorded and analyzed for the first time in our laboratory [67] and were subsequently also studied under high resolution [68, 69]. The studies on rotational contours of the vibronically active bands of the (nÏ€*)S1←S0 transition in pyrazine-h4,-d4 and -15N provide the first example of switching of inertial axes in a molecule on electronic excitation. In pyrazine the a-axis in S0 state, is along the two nitrogen atoms and in the S1 state it is perpendicular to the line joining the two nitrogen atoms [70]. This discovery generated considerable interest in the high resolution spectroscopy of polyatomic molecules using lasers.
Naphthalene is the simplest condensed ring hydrocarbon with D2h symmetry and it has two specific non-identical sites referred to as 1 and 2 positions for substitution of an atom or a group of atoms in place of the corresponding hydrogen atom. Unlike the 260 nm benzene spectrum, the 310 nm absorption spectrum, due to Ï€*←Ï€ electronic transition, is electronically allowed in naphthalene with the electronic transition moment along the long in-plane symmetry axis of the molecule. In addition to the electronically allowed bands, a group of much stronger vibrationally induced bands, with the transition moment along the short in-plane axis, also appear in the absorption spectrum [71]. The substitutions in naphthalene at positions 1 and 2 by an atom or a chemical group affect the relative intensities of the electronically allowed and vibrationally induced bands quite differently. Systematic studies on the absorption spectra of substituted naphthalenes with halogen atoms, hydroxyl group and amino group, have been carried out in our laboratory. The low resolution investigations provided data on the electronic interaction between the substituent and the carbon ring as changes of excited state energies [72, 73]. The High resolution studies on 1 and 2 substituted naphthalenes have led to excited state rotational constants from which changes in molecular geometry on electronic excitation have been determined [74]. Molecular orbital theory has been used for a consistent interpretation of the electronic transition moment orientation, in substituted naphthalenes, in terms of the chemical nature as well as the site of the substituent [75].The electronic absorption and emission spectra of a large number of naphthaquinones and anthraquinones were studied in great detail to obtain experimental data on relative intensities of the Ï€*←Ï€ and Ï€*←n transitions. A comparative study of the excited state energies of these molecules was also made using semi-empirical theories of molecular structure [76, 77].

3.3 Quantum Chemical Studies of Molecules
Dr D K Rai spent a year during 1965-66 as a SIDA Fellow at the Kvant Kemiska Institution in Uppsala University, Sweden in the group of Professor Per O. Lowdin. This visit was made with the specific interest of using quantum mechanical theories to describe the spectra and structure of molecules. On his return not only he initiated two bright research scholars, P C Mishra and J.S. Yadav, into the new field but also encouraged those involved in experimental investigations to make use of the quantum chemical calculations in the interpretations of their findings. Since substituted benzenes, experimentally studied in the laboratory, have one or more of its atoms replaced by another atom or group, (e.g. F, Cl, Br, NH2, OH, CH3 etc) it was natural to take up these systems for such theoretical studies. The π-electron SC LCAO-MO theories in their semi-empirical form were employed to describe the structure and spectra of the planar conjugated systems.
            For a planar conjugated system such as benzene it was assumed that the 24 orbitals involved in σ-bonds provided a rigid framework in which the 6 Ï€-electrons in the delocalized bonds carried out their motion. The near UV spectrum was attributed to excitation of one of these Ï€-electrons from the orbital occupied in the ground state to a more energetic orbital which was empty in the ground state. The most popular method for such calculations was the Pariser-Parr-Pople (PPP) method in which a number of integrals were approximated either by data taken from experiments or from other empirical considerations. A modified PPP procedure known as iterative PPP was devised where, after each SCF cycle a new set of values for the parameters was evaluated and the process continued till no further changes were necessitated [78, 79].
Experimental studies, to quantitatively measure the changes in molecular geometry for substituted benzenes on electronic excitation, are extremely complex because the three moments of inertia, (obtained from rotational analysis) are not sufficient to fix all the geometrical parameters. Estimates of changes in C-X bond length (where X is the substituent) could be obtained by making certain plausible assumptions. It was, however, impossible to choose between two equally probable values. It was therefore, thought wise to use a theoretical procedure that would make the choice unambiguous. Since the SC procedure yields the bond order matrix for ground state, the CI wavefunctions could be used to obtain the bond order matrix for the excited state by assuming a probable assignment for the electronic transition. It was further assumed that the bond order- bond length relationship suggested by Coulson, for conjugated systems, can be used to estimate bond lengths in the excited state. It was found that even the simple Ï€-electron study yielded reasonable estimates [80]. Application of Coulson’s relation, required the evaluation of the σ- and the Ï€-bond orders separately, and it could not be applied directly to the bond order matrix in SCF calculations where all valence electrons were included. A procedure for transforming the density matrix to enable separation of the σ- and the Ï€-bond orders was, therefore worked out [81]. These σ- and the Ï€-bond orders were used in Coulson’s relation to successfully estimate the bond length changes [82, 83].The application of quantum chemical techniques has been successful in conformational studies of biomolecules also [84-86]. In all cases it is the conformational structure of the di- and polysaccharides which are of interest. Both semiempirical CNDO type methods, including PCILO and molecular mechanics methods, have been used. The studies started with monosaccharides, Glycan moiety and N-Acetylglucosamine and progressed through di-acetyl glucosamine and other dimmers to tri, tetra and pentamers of some units.
There were no computing facilities on the BHU campus in those days and the research scholars had to travel to either Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) at Kanpur to work on an IBM 1620 Computer or to Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR) at Bombay which had a CDC 3600 Computer. Professor P Venkateswarlu at Kanpur and Dr N A Narasimham at Bombay were to be approached in case of any difficulties and they most willingly provided the necessary help to the students from their alma mater.

3.4 The Ruby Laser in Spectroscopy Laboratory
Professor N L Singh had invited Professor J G Winans, of the State University of New York at Buffalo in USA, to come to the Spectroscopy laboratory of BHU for the academic session of 1968. Dr R B Singh had gone to SUNY at Buffalo for a year and Professor Winans was so impressed with his expertise that he came to BHU with a large crate containing the power supply and the bank of heavy condensers for the flash-excitation of Ruby laser. The detection of the laser fluorescence and laser Raman scattering was photographic of a type that did not exist in our laboratory. It is known as Polaroid photography. Our method of photographic detection consisted of manually developing the exposed films and plates in the dark room containing developer and fixer solutions. The film pack that Professor Winans had brought with him was semi-automatic and very fast. After exposure one could activate the chemical processing of the film in the pack itself so that within a few minutes when the covers were removed the fully developed film would emerge from the pack. Although there was no major research carried out with this system, we learnt a great deal from the demonstration experiments carried out in the laboratory. Professor Winans also gave a series of lectures on the theory and application of lasers. Thus within a decade of its discovery we could visualize the impact of laser as source of monochromatic light in the science of spectroscopy.

4. Lasers, Lasers Spectroscopies, Atomic & Molecular Collisions, Biomolecules (1975-95)

The spectroscopy department was merged into the parent Physics Department in 1971 and the academic atmosphere became very congenial with great deal of cooperation among the teaching staff and a healthy competition to excel in the various areas of research. Professor B A P Tantry was the senior most professor in the field of electronics, Professor G S Verma in theoretical condensed matter physics, Professor P Krishna in experimental solid state physics, Professor P C Sood in nuclear physics and Professor D K Rai in atomic and molecular spectroscopy. Professor Rai was the youngest and full of many ideas of diversifying the researches on atoms and molecules. His grasp of the intricacies of quantum mechanics was of a very high level and his understanding of the experimental intricacies of high resolution spectroscopy had acquired great deal of maturity during a decade of working with experimentalists like Prof. N L Singh, Dr I S Singh, Dr K N Upadhya and Dr S K Tiwari. He exhibited immense patience in talking to junior members like us and greatly appreciated if we had any new ideas in the field of experimental investigations or theoretical problems. There was a perceptible change in the research atmosphere of spectroscopy which had so far, been lacking, to some extent, in the tools of theoretical inquiry.

                                                        Professor D.K. Rai (1943- 2012)  
            I was very fascinated by a talk by Professor C A Coulson of Oxford University entitled ‘Shape of molecules in excited electronic states’ at the 1967 International Conference in Spectroscopy at Bombay and I had put his Institute as one of the places to go for higher studies in my application for a 1851 Exhibition scholarship of the Royal Commission of London. After my final selection Professor Coulson advised me to join the Spectroscopy group in the Chemistry Department of Reading University headed by Professor I M Mills. During my two and half year stay I worked on high resolution electronic spectroscopy of polyatomic molecules and made use of digital computers for analyzing the rotational contours of electronic and vibronic bands. I used to frequently visit the group of Professor Coulson at Oxford which was involved in theoretical aspects of molecular structure and molecular dynamics and I also attended one of his famous Summer Schools. In the physics department at Reading University I listened to a fascinating talk by Professor G W Series on hydrogen atom. Professor A W Schawlow was also in the physics department for a brief period working on a dye laser and he presented a popular talk on Lasers in which he exhibited the properties of transmission and absorption of a laser beam from his toy laser gun that included a real ruby laser inside. He had a double balloon- a clear shell with a dark blue one inside. The pulsed laser beam blasted the inner balloon while leaving the clear one intact. This showed that laser could pass through the transparent balloon without burning it. Towards the end of my stay in England I visited the spectroscopy laboratory of Dr M Stockburger in Gottingen, Germany where I witnessed the proto type of Nitrogen laser pumped dye laser system being developed by Dr F P Schafer. On my return to BHU in 1974 I talked to Professor Rai about the feasibility of doing laser spectroscopy and we came to the two pronged plan of building some simple laser systems and apply for funding to purchase the expensive commercial lasers for state of- the- art laser spectroscopy.  
The period from 1975 to 1995 was one of the most productive interval during which a great deal of diversification in teaching and research in spectroscopy was made. Professor Asundi visited the laboratory one last time in 1978 when, one of his most favourite first batch students, Professor Jagdeo Singh also happened to be in BHU and we have a rare group photograph of three generations of teachers and students of the Spectroscopy laboratory of BHU. With the addition of Lasers in the spectroscopy group it was decided to rename it as Laser & Spectroscopy Laboratory. It seems pertinent to me to quote, again, from some of the messages received on the occasion of the 50th anniversary.
            Professor P M Johnson of SUNY at Stony Brook and Brookhaven National laboratory wrote, “On the occasion of thr fiftieth anniversary of the Banaras Hindu University Spectroscopy Laboratory, I wish to extend my warmest appreciation of the considerable past and ongoing contributions made in your laboratory. From the pioneering work of R K Asundi to the present, scientists working in Varanasi have unraveled the intricacies of molecular spectra with talent and perseverance which must stem from essence of Hindu tradition. During my visit last year I was impressed by the dedication of your department in not only carrying out research, but of furthering science in India through the organization of conferences and workshops. With this kind of effort the next fifty years should prove to be as productive as the last.”
            Professor Alexander Dalgarno of Harvard-Smithsonian Center of Astrophysics wrote, “I remember with great pleasure my visit to your famous laboratory in December 1983, where I was able to observe that the tradition and creative research initiated by your distinguished predecessors was being maintained and extended in a rapidly changing field of endeavor. I was greatly stimulated by the atmosphere of intellectual inquiry and by my personal interactions and discussions with you.”
            Professor S Ramasesan of Raman Research Institute wrote, “The laboratory which was founded by the illustrious spectroscopist Prof. Asundi is today one of the best spectroscopy laboratories in India. I congratulate its Alumni on their achievements and greet the laboratory on this auspicious occasion.”

4.1 The Home-built Lasers
Some very enthusiastic research scholars, J P Singh, V N Rai and A K Rai among them, with expertise in electronics joined the Laser and Spectroscopy group with interest in fabricating lasers and doing research in laser spectroscopy. They were ably assisted by an electronics engineer Mr Ramji Rai and by the end of 1978 it was possible to make several working units of low pressure as well as high pressure N2 lasers emitting in the near UV region and flashlamp pumped planar dye lasers emitting in the visible region. Parametric investigations on the mode of working of these laser systems were carried out and the laser emissions were photographically recorded to reveal spectral characteristics under different conditions of excitation. These investigations resulted in a number of research publications [87- 91]. Later dye laser systems pumped by N2 laser emission at 337.1nm were indigenously fabricated and used in investigations on excitation transfer in dye mixtures [92].

4.2 Laser Spectroscopy of Atoms and Molecules

The Physics Department received its first major research grant under the Special Assistance Program of UGC, New Delhi after the recommendations of an expert committee. Professor S Ramsesan of I.I.Sc., Bangalore, on the committee, was very impressed with the two pronged approach of fabricating lasers and using commercial lasers for the state of the art laser spectroscopy and it was on the basis of his strong recommendation that a 4W Spectra Physics Argon laser was procured by the spectroscopy laboratory. A linear dye laser pumped by the Argon laser was also later added to carry out laser fluorescence and other tunable laser based spectroscopic research. Laser fluorescence investigations on CuI molecule led to re-examination of the earlier assignments, using conventional spectroscopy, and it was found that the earlier assignment was correct [93, 94]. The technique of polarization labeling was used to explore high energy Rydberg states of Li2 leading to some very interesting results [95]. Collision induced fluorescence from triplet states of Li2 have also been observed which provide spectroscopic information on triplet states [96]. The effects of laser light on germination of seeds and growth of seedlings were investigated with and without exposures to radiation from the Argon laser [97]
Laser induced two-photon spectroscopy of polyatomic molecules was carried out using the technique of multi-photon-ionization detection in a vapour cell [98, 99] as well as in a supersonic molecular beam [100]. Studies on two-photon spectra of aniline [101] and dichlorobenzene [102, 103] along with three-photon spectra of diatomic molecules were carried out [104].

4.2.1 Laser Photoacoustic Spectroscopy
In the spring of 1977, I went to attend an International Workshop on Lasers at ICTP in Trieste, Italy. I was invited by Dr Hollas for 4 weeks in Reading University before spending some time at the National Institute of Optics with Professor Tito Arecchi in Florescence, Italy. Towards the end of my stay in Reading, Dr Hollas took me to Bristol for a one day meeting on spectroscopy. Christopher Webster was a Ph D. scholar of Professor R N Dixon, and he showed his photoacoustic detection system to me with great enthusiasm. This photoacoustic spectrometer was novel in the sense that it detected the pressure signals generated by periodic heating produced by absorption of light of different wavelengths from a tunable laser source. The concept was based on the experiments carried out by Graham Bell in USA about a century back in his attempt to transmit sound over a beam of light and who invented the ‘spectrophone’ by modifying a spectrometer where the eyepiece was replaced with a hearing tube (Fig.4).
When I talked to Professor Arecchi, on my arrival in Florence, about this new kind of spectroscopy, he asked me to give a short presentation for the members of his group working on various applications of lasers. I made a high pressure N2 laser during my stay in INO at Florence and visited the Florence University to see the variety of researches on flashlamp pumped dye lasers in the group of Professor P Burlamacchi and also met Professor S Califano working in the field of vibrational spectroscopy whom I had known, while working on molecular force constants, from India. This short visit turned out to be very profitable because Professor Arecchi had advised me to get in correspondence with Dr M B Robin, in the field of photoacoustic spectroscopy, at the Bell Laboratory in USA. Dr  Robin, sent me, at the BHU address, not only several of his recently published papers in photoacoustic spectroscopy but also a few square meters of metal coated Mylar film to make the sensitive microphone. With the help of our very experienced and capable mechanic Mr. Santlal, the enthusiastic group of research scholars, J P Singh, V N Rai and L B Tiwari, got the electret microphone made and tested it in the photoacoustic cell, using a 0.25 m grating monochromator and a white light source. 

                      Fig.4 The Spectrophone of Graham Bell with a Hearing Tube

A parametric study of the photoacoustic signals generated by Argon laser was carried out to develop the design of the photoacoustic cell for measurements on solid and liquid samples in our laboratory [105] exactly hundred years after the original discovery of the ‘Photoacoustic Effect’ by Graham Bell [106]. Our photoacoustic spectrometer has since been used for a variety of experiments on samples in the form of powders, thin films and solutions. Photoacoustic measurements of CuSO4 powders, as a function of temperature, have led to detection of phase transitions as a result of structural changes in the molecules [107]. The effect of neutron irradiation on rare earth oxide powders has been monitored by measuring the photoacoustic signals at regular intervals of time after irradiation and the results indicate a change in the oxidation state of the rare earth atoms [108]. The nonradiative transitions in dye solutions are a major cause of lowered lasing efficiency in dye lasers. Measurements of photoacoustic spectra of dye solutions, of different concentrations and of mixtures of two dyes, were carried out to provide data that may be used for optimized lasing efficiency [109]. Photoacoustic measurements on carbon black led to the development of a simple laser power meter [110] and chaotic behavior of photoacoustic signal was investigated as a function of laser power [111]. Studies on photoacoustic spectra of Calibo glass samples doped with rare earth ions were also carried out to understand the mechanism of nonradiative transitions in these systems [112]
           Pulsed laser generated PA signals from powder samples have been recorded with the experimental arrangement shown in Fig. 5 and a home-made piezoelectric transducer whose details are shown on the right of the experimental setup [113, 114]. A thin circular layer of the powder sample was sandwiched between two plane glass plates and the PZT transducer was tightly held with its front face in firm contact with one of the glass plates. The linear separation between the sample spot and the face of the transducer was earlier determined by maximizing the PA signal, while recording the spectral profile of the dye laser output, by using carbon black in place of the sample. The wavelength of the dye laser output was calibrated using the opto-galvanic signals generated from a Fe-Ne hollow cathode lamp. The powder sample consists of micro-crystals of Ho2O3 and the light absorbing species are Ho3+ ions in these micro-crystals. The acoustic pressure wave generated in the glass plate, following the pulsed optical absorption of the sample, propagates to the transducer where these are converted into transient electrical signals as a result of the piezoelectric effect. The transient PA signals are then processed by the boxcar average and the spectrum recorded by tuning over the emission wavelengths of the dye laser.    

Fig.5 The set up for PA spectroscopy with tunable dye laser (left) using a piezoelectric device (right) 

 The photoacoustic signal from gaseous samples is greatly affected by the shape and size of the cell as well as the location of the microphone inside the cell. Parametric design of photoacoustic cells with longitudinal resonance at the chopping frequency for a continuous laser showed that maximum signal is registered by the microphone when it is located near an antinode (see Fig. 7) and the signal decreases to a minimum if positioned near a node [116]. Pulsed lasers as well as periodically chopped continuous lasers have been used for measurements of one and two-photon absorptions in gases and molecular vapours [117- 119].\

Fig.7  Schematic diagram of a PA spectrometer for gaseous sample. The cw CO2 lasr is attenuated down to a few milliwatt output power before passing through the mechanical chopper

4.2.2 Laser Photothermal Lensing Spectroscopy
Photo-thermal lensing effect also depends on the non-radiative characteristics of fluid samples when irradiated with laser light (called pump laser). The heat produced is maximum at the absorption wavelength of the sample and it leads to a decrease of refractive index. If a second laser beam (called probe laser) with no absorption by the sample passes through the medium in the presence of the pump laser light then the former is deflected by an amount proportional to the heating produced by the latter. The detection of the probe beam (of fixed wavelength) intensity, as a function of the wavelength of the tunable pump laser, is called photo-thermal lensing spectroscopy. A dye laser pump and Helium probe laser set up was used to study the overtone bands due to C-H stretching vibration in a number of substituted benzenes [120- 126]. A similar set up was used for recording the photoacoustic spectrum of Br2 vapour which was found too corrosive to use the microphone detector [127]

 4.2.3 The Joshi Effect and Laser Optogalvanic Spectroscopy
Professor S S Joshi of the Chemistry Department was the Principal of Science College and he played a major role in bringing Professor Asundi to BHU.  Prof. Joshi observed fluctuations in the discharge current, when irradiated by external light, for a variety of atomic and molecular vapours in the discharge tube [128- 130]. His experimental set up is shown in Fig. 8. The inner electrode of the discharge tube is to be connected to the positive polarity of a stabilized high voltage power supply and the outer electrode is connected to ground. α, β and γ represent three different electric circuits for the detection by a counter, a galvanometer and an oscilloscope respectively. For the latter two methods of detection the electric supply was from a low frequency transformer and the current passed through a Sylvania IN34 rectifier. The shape of the signal on the oscilloscope was controlled by adjusting a carbon resistor. The change in the magnitude of the discharge current constituted the signal and this phenomenon was termed as the Joshi effect and was explained in terms of the change of rate of ionization following light absorption. Several research scholars, of the first batch working in spectroscopy laboratory, carried out experiments involving this optically perturbed discharge phenomenon [131]. In 1928 Penning [132] had also observed that a change in the breakdown voltage of an electric discharge cell containing a mixture of neon and argon occurs when it is irradiated with light from another discharge cell containing only neon gas and explained it in terms of Penning ionization. This phenomenon is now popularly known as the Opto-Galvanic effect.

The opto-galvanic effect corresponds to an increase or decrease in the discharge current depending upon the kinetics of the population and depletion of the levels which are perturbed by the laser radiation. In the case where laser excites atoms from a level with smaller net rate of ionization to a level having a larger rate of ionization, the conductivity of discharge increases leading to increase in discharge current. In the reverse case, laser transfers atoms to a level with a smaller rate of ionization, leading to a decrease in the discharge current. The rate of ionization of atoms depends on the excitation energy and the lifetime of the excited state. The steady discharge current I0 exhibits a temporal variation when a short laser pulse (10-8 sec) from a tunable laser,  resonant with one of the emission lines of discharge, hits the region of the electrical discharge. The deviation from the steady current may persist for 10 to 100 µs after the incident light pulse and it is given by  I(t) = I0e(K-1)t/Ï„ where K is a multiplication factor and depends on the two energy levels of the atom (or molecule) responsible for the emission line. Ï„ is the mean time of one generation of electrons in the multiplication process initiated by the laser pulse.

                          Fig.8 Experimental arrangement for recording Joshi effect

The changes in discharge current in the opto-galvanic effect are very small and require a phase sensitive electronic detection system. A typical experimental set up is shown in Fig. 9.

 Fig.9  Schematic presentation of the experimental set up for recording O-G spectrum of neon

            The laser optogalvanic spectrum of discharge through I2 vapour was studied in the wavelength range of 530- 630 nm corresponding to the B-X system of electronic bands. Variation of the external voltage across the discharge tube was found to lead to very significant changes in the optogalvanic signals corresponding to different bands in this region. The results have been interpreted in terms of magnetic predissociation of I2 molecule [133]. Similar observations were made in other halogen and inter-halogen molecules [134, 135]. The D.C. discharge through HgBr vapour generates intense bands in the blue-green region of its visible spectrum. An optogalvanic measurement of HgBr discharge using Argon laser was also explored [136] and two-photon optogalvanic measurements on C-X and D-X transitions in this molecule were later carried out [137, 138]. Optogalvanic spectroscopy of neon discharge involving one and two-photon transitions including a convergent Rydberg series (see Fig.10) have provided information on transitions originating in metastable excited states [139, 140]. A detailed account of laser optogalvanic studies at BHU along with those in other laboratories has also been published [141]


Fig.10 The ‘ns’ and ‘nd’ odd Rydberg series in 2-photon optogalvanic spectrum of Ne originating in 3s[3/2]02 metastable state (using wavenumber scale)

4.2.4 Laser Raman Spectroscopy
Dr S B Rai and Dr B P Asthana were spectroscopy students from the last batch of its existence as a separate department. Both of them were selected as Alexander von Humboldt Fellows in late 1970s to work in Germany. Both of them later became professors in the department of physics, the area of research of Dr Rai has been mostly electronic spectroscopy, that of Dr Asthana was vibrational spectroscopy and both of them have brought much glory to the Laser and Spectroscopy Laboratory. The tragic death of Professor B P Asthana in 2012 has been a tremendous loss to Raman spectroscopy in general and to BHU in particular.

                                                       Professor B.P. Asthana (1952- 2012)

            The heavy cost of importing complete instrumentation, for carrying out experimental work in Laser Raman Spectroscopy, did not make it possible to install experimental facilities in this field till late 1980s. Dr Asthana went to the famous Raman spectroscopy laboratory of Prof. W Kiefer in early 1980s and carried out cutting edge research in this very important field. He was so well recognized for his expertise, both theoretical and experimental, that he became almost a member of Prof. Kiefer’s famous group. He took this opportunity to bring the fruits of his efforts to BHU by visiting Germany during the summer vacations, carrying out research there, to bring back a vast amount of experimental data to be analyzed by his students in BHU. He had tremendous capacity of working long hours without any break, even from his student days, which made it possible to indirectly equip BHU in the field of Raman spectroscopy. His early researches involved deconvolution of Lorentzian linewidth from observed Raman lines, precise frequency shifts by Raman difference spectroscopy and studies on hydrogen bonded molecules [142- 146]
            A chapter on ‘Vibrational line profiles and frequency shift by Raman spectroscopy’ was written in the advances in Vibrational Spectra & Structure [147] and a series of papers were published on vibrational dephasing, on, application of density function theory for optimization of molecular geometry and vibrational spectra, and on femtosecond resolved Coherent Antistokes Raman Spectroscopy (CARS) [148-150]. Temperature dependent Raman studies in liquid crystalline systems [151, 152], in isotopic dilution and self association [153] and in concentration dependent vibrational shifts [154, 155], were supplemented by ab initio calculations. An ab initio simulation study of benzene Raman intensities has also been carried out [156].  Studies on Raman scattering in magnetic materials and polarized Raman spectroscopy have been carried out by Professor R A Yadav [157, 158]  
4.3 Atomic & Molecular Collisions

Electron impact processes make an important contribution to the gaseous discharges, through atomic and molecular vapours and gases, which have been used as the most common sources for emission spectroscopy. The collisions between various charged and neutral species, present in the laboratory or atmospheric discharges, is an area of great significance for understanding the mechanism of excitation and ionization. The studies of collision phenomena leading to calculations of the relevant cross-sections started around 1970 and many research scholars worked for their Ph.D. degree in this area. A systematic theoretical analysis of the processes of direct ionization, innershell vacancy production, electron capture, double ionization and energy loss of energetic projectiles etc were made by Prof. D K Rai and his students. Dr. R Shanker started developing the experimental facilities for atomic- and molecular collision in mid 1980s after he joined the faculty with his many years of experience in Canada and Germany. Initial studies were made on electron bremsstrahlung spectra emitted from thick solid targets with impact of electrons obtained from an indigenously built 1-8kV electron gun.
            The theoretical studies were started along the lines of Gryzinsky’s application of the classical theory to the problems of atomic collision physics. Gryzinski had prescribed algorithms, during the mid 1960s, for calculation of electron (as well as heavier charged particle) impact single and double ionization of atoms and molecules. Double ionization and excitation was presumed to proceed via two independent mechanisms. In the first mechanism the two ionized electrons resulted from two successive collisions of the target atom with the incident particle, while in the second mechanism one of the two ejected electrons came due to the electron which was ejected by the incident particle. The initial studies in our laboratory were involved with the test of the various prescriptions given by Gryzenski in a variety of cases and the importance of using a correct target electron velocity distribution was emphasized [159, 160].
            Gryzenski had suggested that an incident proton could capture an electron from the target atom if the energy transfer lies between two specified limits which depend on the binding energy of the proton-electron system. Other workers, however, were of the view that electron capture ought to be described as a result of two separate binary collisions – the first collision between the incident proton and the target electron which frees the latter from the field of the target nucleus (ionization) while the second collision takes place between the ejected electron and the nucleus and causes the former to move parallel to the incident proton with a speed suitable for capture. The idea of double collision and a geometrical model of the atom were used to derive improved limits for energy transfer as necessary for electron capture. The numerical results obtained in this manner were much better than those with the Gryzenski limits [161, 162].
            The problems of direct inner shell ionization and autoionization of an innershell electron were solved by using Born approximation [163] and also more improved approximations [164, 165]. These calculations use an effective complex charge whose consequences for the calculated cross sections have also been examined [166]. A new procedure for calculating the third term of the Glauber series has been suggested and applied for e- H scattering [167]. In a different study a Hylleraas type correlated wavefunction has been used to calculate double excitation in He [168].
            The first experimental set up was used with the 400 kV Van de Graaff accelerator as the projectile machine for ion-atom collision experiments. The study of non-uniform population of the magnetic substates of a vacancy created in ion-atom collisions, with the total angular momentum J greater than ½ was undertaken [169]. The inhomogeneous population of various magnetic substates with respect to the incoming ion-beam is normally referred to as ‘alignment’ parameter. The innershell vacancies of heavy Z-elements with J= ½ are investigated for this parameter in the range of kilovolt projectile energies. The projectiles available from the Van de Graaff accelerator were protons, deuterons and He. Measurements of the angular distribution of the X-rays emitted due to the decay of innershell vacancies yield the desired parameter (‘alignment’) as a function of the projectile energy. The scattering chamber fabricated in our workshop facilitated the photon detector [Si(Li)] to be rotated about the collision center and thin films, either self supported or carbon backed, were chosen as targets [170, 171].

4.4 Spectroscopy and Quantum Chemical Computation of Biomolecules

The nucleic acid bases, their analogues and derivatives are of great importance in the understanding of processes in biology and medicine such as in photobiology, mutation and cancer research. Electronic spectra of nucleic bases were investigated and it was found that semi-empirical SCF-MO-CI theory could explain the spectra of pyrimidines reasonably well but for purines it was not so successful [172-175]. Studies on photo-dimerisation and photo-hydration of pyrimidines showed that C5C6 bond order is strongly reduced and free valences at C5 and C6 sites are enhanced in uracil and thymine in going to lowest singlet and the lowest triplet excited states in a Ï€*←Ï€ excitation. This is in agreement with the experimental observation that photodimerisation occurs at the C5C6 bond in these molecules. The electronic spectra of guanine, adenine and some purines have been explained in terms of asymmetric double well potential surfaces for their ground as well as the excited states [176-182]
            In the studies on processes of Phototautomerism and Photoisomerisation of biologically important molecules, 2-aminopurine revealed a high quantum yield with lifetime of the excited state in nanosecond range [183] while fluorescence from urocanic acid was observed for the first time [184]. A number of studies, employing quantum chemical methods, were undertaken on the mapping of electrostatic potentials and electric fields of biomolecules and these were correlated with their hydrogen bonding abilities which provide important information on drug design [185- 187]. Several calculations were carried out to elucidate the biological processes in Adenine and Guanine [188- 191]. DFT study has been made on the protection against radiation induced damage in DNA [192] and theoretical studies on reactions involved in the formation, of 8-Nitroguanine [193] and of Ferulic acid and Vanilin [194], have also been carried out.

5. Laser Spectroscopy of Materials, Nano-materials, Particle-impact Spectroscopy, LIBS (1995- 2014)

The spectroscopy laboratory was recognized as a National Center for Laser Spectroscopy and an Argon laser pumped Ti-sapphire and dye laser was sanctioned by the Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi in early 1990s. The availability of laser radiation in the near IR provided opportunities to excite low energy electronic states of atoms molecules and ions to carry out spectroscopic investigation on such systems in addition to those which could be explored with visible light from the Argon laser or the dye laser. The Physics department had been recognized as a Center of Advanced Studies by the University Grants Commission with Studies of Materials as the thrust and this provided enough incentive to focus the research work on condensed materials. Glasses have some unique properties e.g. transparency and high hardness at room temperature along with their strength and excellent resistance to corrosion. Glasses have potential applications in optical fibers, lasers and in many areas of engineering and technology.  Prof. S B Rai and his research scholars have synthesized and investigated a variety of rare earth-doped glasses, ceramics and nano-materials that have many applications in the field of sensors in view of their novel spectroscopic characteristics. There has been a large research output from the laboratory on studies involving Glassy materials, Ceramic materials, Nanoparticles and Biological materials. In the following sections a brief description of the research activities from mid 1990s till 2014 has been summarized.

5.1 Laser Spectroscopy of Glassy Materials

Oxyfluoroborate glass matrix has been extensively used in the spectroscopic investigations of rare earth (RE) ions. Fluorides are known to have a large capacity for RE metals and offer a higher RE ion luminescence efficiency in comparison with oxides. At the same time the glass ceramics possess high mechanical and chemical stability characteristic of oxides. They also possess functional properties typical of crystallites embedded in a glass matrix and have technological advantages inherent in the glass preparation process. Spectroscopic properties of oxyfluoroborate glasses doped with RE ions Tb3+, Gd3+, Nd3+, Ho3+, Er3+, Eu3+ and Dy3+ have been investigated in great detail [195- 201]. Effect of thermal neutron impact on the spectroscopic properties of Gd3+ doped oxyfluoroborate glass [202] and the optical properties Eu3+ from nanocrystallites in oxyfluoroborate matrix [203] were also investigated. Borate glass matrix has been used for the investigations on the spectral features associated with Dy3+, Sm3+ and Pr3+ [204-206]. Cerium doped oxyfluoroborate glass has strong absorption in the ultraviolet and red shift of the absorption as well as emission bands has been observed with increasing cerium concentration. Two different emission centers of Ce3+ have been found in the glass matrix [207]
            Heavy metal oxide glasses modified with RE elements have attracted much interest in the past decade with the aim to shift the absorption edge to mean IR region for applications in laser glasses and fiber optics in this region. Tellurite glass combines the attributes of wide transmission regions and good corrosion resistance, low phonon energy, high refractive index and very good RE ion solubility. Spectroscopic characteristics, of Eu3+, Sm3+, Ho3+ and Tb3+ doped in tellurite glass matrix, have been investigated to find their possible applications in optical technology [208-211] and a temperature dependent study of Pr3+ doped sample has also been carried out [212]. The mechanism of optical frequency upconversion in single RE ion doped tellurite glass matrix [213- 218] as well as zinc phosphate glass [219] has also been studied. Energy transfers from Yb3+, to Eu3+ co-doped in oxyfluoroborate glass (220) and to Tm3+ in lithium modified tellurite glass [221] give rise to upcoversion of 980 nm laser radiation into visible light in the red and blue regions.
            The investigations on upconversion phenomenon are motivated not only by attempts to  understand the mechanism of interaction between the rare earth ions doped into a variety of host materials but also the search for new light sources emitting in the visible region. It thus becomes necessary to select solid host materials doped with rare earth ions that show strong and broad absorption bands matching with the emission wavelength of commercial lasers. The process of upconversion depends on the composition of the glass matrix and may involve multistep absorption in a single RE ion or it may result from energy transfer between groups of RE ions. This is illustrated by the studies on Er3+ doped in BiLiBaPb glass [222] and in tellurite glass in presence of Yb3+ [223]. Nanosize Pr:Y2O3 crystals have exhibited two-photon upconversion at room temperature when excited by 532 nm laser [224] and Tm3+/Yb3+ co-doped Y2O3 nanophosphers emit intense light at 478 nm when excited at 976 nm [225], whereas Er3+/Yb3+ co-doped Y2Te4O11 nanocrystals exhibit multicolour down and upconversion when excited at 266 and 976 nm [226]

5.2 Studies on Exotic Nano-materials

Graphene is a novel nanomaterial which consists of one atom thick layer of carbon atoms in a hexagonal crystal lattice. The peculiar dynamic complex conductivity of grapheme enables the propagation of tightly confined electromagnetic modes at the interface between grapheme and a dielectric material. These are commonly referred to as surface Plasmon polariton (SPP). The propagation of SPP waves is supported by many metals and metamaterials, but at very high frequencies in IR and optical bands. However SPP waves on grapheme have been observed at lower frequencies in the terahertz band and these can be tuned by material doping. This type of behavior has stimulated many kinds of theoretical investigations. Professor P C Misra and his research scholars have employed the methods of density functional theory to illustrate the properties of grapheme using their finite size models in the form of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and their poly radicals. These systems have the property of enhanced electron density at their edges which explains the observed pronounced edge reactivities. It has been found that the enhanced edge electron density continues to occur in dimers and trimers of these model systems as well as in their excited states [227, 228].
            Professor R A Yadav and his research scholars are interested in structure and dynamics of organic molecules with exotic characteristics, photorefractive materials with non-linear optical properties and electromagnetic functioning of optical fibers. For nucleic acid bases, molecules of medicinal importance and organic molecules exhibiting conduction and superconduction properties, the vibrational spectra are experimentally recorded to study their behavior. The analyses of these spectra are performed using ab initio and DFT computation by employing the Gaussian software [229-235]. Maxwell’s equations have been employed in the studies on spherical dielectric resonators with metallic shields that protect energy leaking out of the resonators [236. 237]. Photorefractive materials provide an ideal medium for non-linear interaction of two or more electromagnetic waves with many important applications. A number of theoretical studies have been carried out involving resonators that may facilitate interactions in photorefractive media [238- 241].
                Professor S B Rai, Dr Amresh Bahadur and their co-workers have carried out experimental spectroscopic investigations on a variety of synthesized glassy, crystalline and nanomaterials. These novel materials have important applications as temperature sensors, as optical nano heaters, as fingerprint detectors and as devices for bioimaging [242-250]. Indian traditional medicine ‘Ayurveda’ makes use of unique metallic-herbal preparations called ‘Bhasma’. This involves many processing steps that may include repeated calcinations of metal in presence of natural precursor e.g. herbal juices, decoctions and powders. It has been recently found that “Bhasma’ contains sub-micron size or nano particles and different nutrient elements. Systematic spectroscopic studies have been carried out to understand the role of natural precursors in detail [251-254].

5.3   Particle Impact Spectroscopy of Atoms and Molecules

Prof R Shanker and his research scholars have developed sophisticated experimental facilities, with generous funding from various agencies, for investigations on collisions of atoms and molecules with electrons, protons and ions which are at par with international research in this field. The first modern functional experimental setup [Fig. 11] was developed in 1996 to study the X-ray, Auger- and recoil ion spectroscopy of thin (gas) and thick (solid) targets under INSA-DFG international research program. Collisions of keV electrons with atoms and molecules has made it possible to obtain the shape of bremsstrahlung photon energy spectra and investigate thick targets [255-258]. 

                Fig.11. Photograph of experimental set up for use with Van de Graaf accelerator

Two electron processes in the ionization of molecules by proton impact were investigated [259] and the setup for coincidences between recoil and projectile ion (COPRPION) facility at Nuclear Science Center (present IUAC) in New Delhi was developed for coincidences in energetic heavy ion-atom collisions [260]. Characteristic and non-characteristic X-ray emission from molecules under electron impact have been studied [261] and cross sections as well as efficiency of bremsstrahlung under electron impact below as well as above 6 keV have been investigated [262-264]. Multiple ionization of argon in coincidence with projectile ions in 60-120 MeV range were investigated [265] and a time of flight spectrometer was fabricated for studies on multiple ionization of gases by charged particle impact [266]. An experimental set up for studying collisions of keV electrons with thin and thick targets was also designed and built [267]. Ejected electron –ion coincidence measurements were carried out in multiple ionization of argon [268] and in dissociative ionization of SF6 [269] by electron impact. Energy and angular momentum distribution, of electrons ejected from molecules during electron impact experiments, have been measured in the laboratory [270]. Measurements have been made on the mean transverse kinetic energy of recoil ion and on differential partial ionization cross section of atoms during electron atom collisions [271, 272]. Measurements on energy and angular distributions of backscattered electrons from tungsten target have been carried out [273- 276]. Studies on bremsstrahlung spectra produced from thick targets under kilovolt electron impact experiments led to some very interesting results [277, 278]. Electron-molecule impact experiments have produced data on partial ionization cross sections and dissociative ionization cross sections for CO2 molecule [279, 280]. Measurements on electron-molecule impact experiments have produced valuable data on relative partial ionization cross sections and momentum spectra of fragment ions for N2O and dissociation dynamics of ions of CO2 molecule [281- 283]. The experimental facility, for investigations on fragmentation dynamics of molecular ions relevant to edge-plasma ion-surface interaction, is the first of its kind in the university system of India and was funded by the National Fusion Program of the country

5.4 Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS)
In LIBS experiments a Laser beam, focused on a sample (solid, liquid or gas), generates a spark by converting a tiny amount of material into plasma whose emission is recorded by a spectrometer. The spectrum belongs to atoms and ions of the elements that are present in the sample. Although the first reports of the analytical use of laser-induced plasma were published in early 1960s, the widespread use of this technique was made possible with advances in gated optical detectors during the 1980s and early 1990s. During the past two decades LIBS has found applications in almost every branch of sciences including archeology, nuclear waste management and analysis of geological samples. LIBS has  emerged as a very powerful and versatile analytical tool due to its capability of rapid, in-situ measurement, simultaneous detection of all elements present in the periodic table and real time analysis of materials in the laboratory or in the field. The ability to detect molecular and elemental signatures with a single laser pulse offers unprecedented advantages for emerging medical, biological, environmental and security applications. A typical experimental arrangement for recording LIBS signals from a solid sample is shown in Fig.12 where the sample is put on a rotating platform to avoid excessive pit formation at one point on the sample due to the pulsed laser beam ablation.   
                                                                Fig. 12 Typical LIBS set up

            Experiments have been carried out in the spectroscopy laboratory of Prof. A  K  Rai at the Allahabad University on solid as well as liquid samples. LIBS investigations on a cross –section of gall-blader stone has revealed the mechanism of stone formation in human organs [284]. It has been possible to identify nitro-compounds on the basis of their relative atomic contents by LIBS [285] and presence of chromium in water has been detected with very high sensitivity [286]. LIBS has also been used as a diagnostic tool for rare earth doped glasses [287] and for contaminant concentration in environmental samples [288].

6. Concluding Remarks

It can be seen from a perusal of the above sections of this article that the spectroscopic instrumentation at BHU has had a long and tedious journey starting with homebuilt and low resolution commercial spectrometers to very high resolution grating spectrographs. The spectroscopic sources consisting of flames, electric arcs and discharge tubes gave way to microwave discharges and eventually to tunable laser sources. The detection of spectra progressed from human eye to photographic films, photomultiplier tubes and eventually to CCD detectors. The samples investigated by spectroscopic techniques in this laboratory started with simple salts to be burnt in a flame or an electric arc to liquids and solutions which could be examined by absorption spectroscopy or vaporized to emit spectra in discharge tubes. With the introduction of lasers in the laboratory, it has now become possible to investigate solid, liquid and vapour samples with equal ease. The theoretical research that started with force field and potential curve calculations on mechanical calculating machines has now reached the sophistication of potential surfaces and quantum mechanical methods and calculations carried out on very fast digital computers. All this development has required the persistent efforts from almost four generations of students, research scholars and teachers. I have had the privilege of association with this famous laboratory for more than 50 years and during this period more than a thousand persons have acquired postgraduate and doctoral skills. It is not possible to remember them all but without any prejudice I would like to name a few, in the following section, who have maintained contact even after their formal departure from the Spectroscopy Laboratory of BHU and who have had a very distinguished career.
             Dr S K Tiwari as well as Dr R B Singh, who had ushered the laboratory into era of high resolution spectroscopy by installing the large grating spectrograph, excelled in their professions. Dr Tiwari translated and wrote many books on physics in the Hindi publication board at BHU and continues to serve the cause of education at the ripe age of 80. Dr Singh joined the Central Forensic Service in Govt. of India and retired as Director of State Forensic Laboratory of Uttar Pradesh. Dr R N Singh and Dr D P Jual had joined IRDE of the Ministry of Defense at Dehradun and distinguished themselves in the areas remote sensing and laser applications respectively. Dr R J Singh and Dr P K Verma joined AMU at Aligarh and became specialized professors in the fields of magnetic resonance spectroscopy and vibrational spectroscopy respectively. Dr G Joshi and much later Dr V K Rai have distinguished themselves in X-ray spectroscopy and in laser spectroscopy respectively at IMS Dhanbad. Dr A N Singh started research in quantum chemistry of molecules and helped Dr S N Singh also in the same area to become professors at the Magadh University in Bodh Gaya. Dr K P R Nair has made immense contributions in microwave spectroscopy of molecules while working in Germany and at the Cochin University of Science and technology. Dr G D Baruah established spectroscopy laboratory in Dibrugarh University and Dr S N Rai has worked at NEHU in Meghalaya. Dr S Rai, who joined Dibrugarh University much later and excelled in photoacoustic spectroscopy while working with Professor Baruah, is now professor of physics at Mizoram University. Dr Sri Ram Singh, who started the zone refined technique for making single crystals of organic molecules, has served the Central Bureau of Investigation with great distinction in forensic science. Dr Jagdish Singh, who had worked on the high resolution electronic spectroscopy of diatomic molecules, retired as a Deputy Director General in India Meteorological  Department. He had faced  a terrorist attack with utmost bravery, in his work station, during his service in the Directorate of Satellite Meteorology in Jammu. Dr M M Rai, who had worked on the vibrational spectroscopy of benzene derivatives rose to the position of research manager in Indian Oil Corporation. Dr J S Yadav, who was in the first group to start quantum chemical calculations on large molecules, has done excellent work on biomolecules and has settled in USA.  From the group that started theoretical research in atomic and molecular collisions Professor D N Tripathi retired after a long association with this laboratory, both Dr B N Roy and Dr S N Tiwary became professors at BRA University in Muzaffarpur, Dr Rajesh Srivastava became professor at IIT Roorkee and Dr B N Padhy continues to work in association with Institute of Physics at Bhubaneshwar after retirement from the B.J.B. College. From the group that was involved in developing laboratory facilities in collision spectroscopy, Dr S K Goel is Scientist E at DST, New Delhi and Dr M J Singh is a Scientist F at IPR, Ahmedabad. Dr B R Yadav, an expert in high resolution spectroscopy, has served as the Deputy Director of the prestigious ONGC Titan Program. Dr J P Singh who was instrumental in building lasers and developing laser based spectroscopy techniques has distinguished himself in many applications of Coherent Antistokes Raman Spectroscopy (CARS) and Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS). He has continued to serve the cause of modernizing his alma mater and has helped me start working on a variety of LIBS investigations. Dr V N Rai, who was involved in developing photoacoustic spectroscopy at BHU, works on many applications of laser plasma and laser-matter interaction at RRCAT in Indore. Dr Shanker Ram, who carried out IR and Raman spectroscopy of molecules, has done path breaking research in materials and is an eminent professor in Material Science at IIT, Kharagpur. Dr A K Rai ll000100⁰⁰0⁰0⁰who carried out the first experiments on laser optogalvanic spectroscopy at BHU is now professor of physics at Allahabad University and has used photoacoustic spectroscopy as well as LIBS for many investigations of great importance in Environmental Science, Agriculture and Medicine. Dr R S Ram, who worked on high resolution electronic spectroscopy of diatomic molecules, has emerged as an international expert on heavy diatomics while working at the Arizona State University in USA. Dr V B Singh and his research scholars, at UP College in Varanasi, have worked on experimental and theoretical problems on molecules of great importance in Earth’s atmosphere and in astrophysics. Dr S K Srivastava, from the first group that initiated experimental and theoretical spectroscopic studies on biomolecules, has been a leading academic functionary including director at the Institute of Engineering and Technology, Lucknow. Dr R A Singh is a professor and former head of physics department at H. S. Gaur University, Sagar and Dr O P Singh has continued his researches in quantum chemistry of molecules at the Balarampur PG College. Dr B N Singh is in laser instrumentation at RRCAT and Dr Santosh C. is professor at the center for atomic and molecular physics in Manipal University. Dr Narayanan K is presently chairman of department of Physics & Astronomy at College of Charleston, SC in USA and has been working on photoacoustic spectroscopy and nanomaterials. Dr K K Mahato is now a professor in Biophysics Unit of Manipal University and has been carrying out quality research on photoacoustics of biological materials. Dr R C Sharma is presently at Laser science and Technology Centre of DRDO under the Ministry of Defense and Dr R L Prasad is in the Physics department of Eritrea Institute of Technology in NE Africa. Dr Akshay Kumar, who carried out a variety of investigations on RE ion doped glasses, is presently in the Physics department of Tuskegee University, AL in USA.
            It is very heartening to talk to the present group of research scholars in the Laser and Spectroscopy Laboratory. Most of them appear very keen to put their research findings to some kind of practical applications. This is a big change in the attitude from that of early 1960s when the workers did not bother about applications and most of the attention was focused on basic research as well as improving the experimental facilities. This change of attitude is good for technological developments in addition to the scientific knowledge. At the time of the 50th anniversary of Spectroscopy at BHU the number of teachers was 12 and it is sad to find that this number has dropped to almost half at the 75th anniversary. The university administration, with much better communication facilities of the internet, is expected to keep the spirit of research in full swing by timely reinforcing faculty as well as technical manpower. I would take this opportunity to make a suggestion for revising the PG Diploma course in spectroscopy. The techniques of Multi Spectral Imaging and Hyper Spectral Imaging need to be included in this course in addition to specialized software for interpretation of these images. It would help students to develop expertise in analyzing the imaging data from Earth Resources Satellites and also those from the modern day microscopes being used in biology and medicine.


During my brief visit to BHU in December 2013 some of our old and new spectroscopy students suggested to me that it would be good if I could write a brief history of our famous spectroscopy laboratory. Prof. S B Rai  provided me with a lot of scientific literature both current and of the past. Prof. P C Mishra was very prompt in sending me his recent papers when I found myself inadequate in that area. Dr Kavita Mishra sent the photographs of the grating spectrograph and meticulously read through the first draft of the article. Ms Ranjana Singh provided the much needed photo of late Prof. B P Asthana. Professor R. Shanker also provided photographs and some information about our former students. Ms Shashi  Kiran Singh, one of our former students, found time from her busy schedule to read and make significant improvements in the manuscript. I have borrowed a large amount of material from a publication on the occasion of 50th anniversary of the laboratory in which all the teachers had contributed articles. I have tried to be as objective as possible in presenting the research activities from my personal knowledge but my inadequacy with theoretical aspects may be reflected in somewhat greater details of describing the experimental activities. I have been very privileged to have excellent support from my family, Dr Punam and Dr Vineeta have taken care of my health, Rudra, Sudheer and Sangeeta have provided excellent support on the computer in writing this article and Tanya has helped with its presentation. I have spent so much time in BHU that I have come to love it as much as I love Gangauli, the village, where I was born. My Ph.D supervisor Prof. K N Upadhya was so kind and affectionate to me that no words can express my sense of gratitude to him and this article is dedicated to him as a mark of my profound respect.


1.      N.L.Singh, Spectroscopy Laboratory-50th Anniversary Publication, Department of Physics, BHU, December 11-15 (1989) page 1
2.      P. Venkateswarlu, Phys. Rev. 81 (1951) 821
3.      R.K. Asundi and M.R. Padhye, Nature 156 (1945) 368
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5.      I.S. Singh, Spectroscopic Studies of isomeric di-methylbenzenes, Ph.D. Thesis, BHU (1956)
6.      P.R.K. Rao, Spectroscopic Studies of isomeric cresols and phenetole, Ph.D. Thesis, BHU (1958)
7.      K. N. Upadhya,  Near UV Spectra of fluorobenzene, ethylbenzene, o-chlorobenzene, p-chlorophenol and benzotrifluoride, Ph.D. Thesis, BHU (1959)
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20.  R.K. Pandey, K.N. Upadhya and B.S. Mohanty, Ind. J. Phys. 42 (1968) 154
21.  G.P. Mishra, R. Tripathi, S.B. Rai, K.N. Upadhya and D.K. Rai, J. Mol. Spectrosc. 85 (1981) 243
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